Welcome to Dare County Radio Control Flyers

Interested in Radio Control Aircraft? Then Dare County Radio Control Flyers is for you!
We are an Academy of Model Aeronautics chartered club that promotes radio control model aviation as a sport and recreational activity at the home of the first flight, the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
Membership in Dare County Radio Control Flyers is open to any person interested in participating in radio control aviation. Whether you are an experienced radio control pilot, a beginner, or just interested in learning more about this rewarding hobby, we have the resources, expertise, and desire to make your experience into the world of radio control model aviation enjoyable and gratifying!
Club Bulletin Board

Business Meetings for 2025: 01/06/25
Dare County Radio Control Flyers will be conducting its business meetings for 2025 in the meeting room at the rear of the Dare County Public Library in Kill Devil Hills the third Thursday of each month from February through December beginning at 7:00PM. All members are encouraged to attend as your thoughts and participation are vital to the growth of our club and the planing of enjoyable activities. As always, any person interested in learning more about our club and model aviation activities on the Outer Banks are welcome to attend. Information about our meeting location, including an interactive map and driving directions, is available at the link below.

Public Flying Event a Great Success: 10/01/24
The Outer Banks Festival of Model Aviation hosted by Dare County Radio Control Flyers last month proved very successful thanks to the hard work of so many of our club and family members. We collected non-perishable food items as admission to aid local residents through the good works of the Beach Food Pantry, and spent the day introducing over sixty local residents to the world of radio control aircraft. Following the event, three lucky participants who had performed an assisted flight with a club flight instructor also received a ready-to-fly model aircraft through an exclusive raffle drawing.
According to the Beach Food Pantry, the food items and cash donations collected as admission at this event will provide 236 meals—enough to feed a family of four for twenty days. In addition, the club also added sixteen new pilots to its list of members!
We wish to thank everyone who supported this event through their donations and participation, and we hope that you will keep in touch with us to learn more about model aviation and watch for future public events.

Club Earns Gold Leader Club Status for 2024: 01/01/24
Dare County Radio Control Flyers was recently notified by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) that it once again attained the level of a Gold Leader Club for 2024 following a determination that the club had attained all the required elements demonstrating commitment to safety and the advancement of model aviation within our community on the Outer Banks. Currently, only 7.5-percent of the AMA's 2,500 charted clubs have earned the top-level distinction as Gold Leader Clubs, and we are certainly proud to have received this recognition for the third consecutive year.

Club Recognized for Community Outreach: 12/15/23
At our annual Christmas party, club president Jim Davis announced that he recently received an 'Award of Merit' that was presented to the club in recognition of exemplary community awareness and outreach on behalf of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. Jim then displayed the framed award to those present and expressed his thanks to each and every member for a job well done and for their commitment and hard work in making our club such an effective, welcoming, and enjoyable aeromodeling organization.

Flying Field Approved as FAA-Recognized Identification Area: 09/11/23
On September 11, 2023 Dare County Radio Control Flyers received notification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that the club's application to designate their flying field as an FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA) was approved.
Members operating model aircraft at the club's flying field do not have to use a remote ID broadcast module that the FAA now requires for all unmanned aerial systems weighing more than 0.55-pounds (250-grams) not operating within the bounds of a FRIA.
Dare County Radio Control Flyers Named Club of the Month: 06/01/22
Dare County Radio Control Flyers was recognized by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) as "Club of the Month" for June 2022 on a recent AMA podcast. The announcement was made by the AMA's social media manager, Lee Ray. You may watch an excerpt of that podcast announcement in the accompanying video link to the left.
We are very proud of our members for their efforts as a team over the past few years, and this national-level recognition is the most recent accomplishment that makes our club truly noteworthy.

Program for New Pilots Implemented: 06/24/21
Club members Jim Davis, Grant Dick, Steve Smith, and Robert Yanacek were recently approved by the Academy of Model Aeronautics as Introductory Pilot Program instructors/mentors. This innovative program seeks to encourage those with little or no previous knowledge of radio control aviation to try out the hobby at no cost, while providing 90 days of liability insurance coverage in addition to the knowledge, experience, and guidance of our club's designated instructors/mentors.

Recreational UAS Safety Test Now Available: 06/22/21
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released their long-awaited safety test that is now required for all radio control pilots. The test, known as TRUST, will now be required for a recreational-use pilot to register with the FAA as required by law. Although it is referred to as a "test," it is in all actuality little more than a 30-minute course of instruction designed to ensure that model aircraft pilots understand their obligation to operate both safely and lawfully when using airspace. The test is available free of charge, through a number of FAA approved TRUST test administrators.

FAA Releases Improved Mobile Application: 11/16/20
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has redeveloped their mobile application to provide situational awareness to recreational flyers in knowing whether it is safe and lawful to fly their model aircraft in a particular area. This application, known as B4UFLY, utilizes interactive maps and GPS technology to alert radio control pilots where they can and cannot fly. This application is highly recommended for all club members because it alerts you in real time to areas where flight operations are restricted, controlled, or under a temporary flight restriction. The application may be downloaded at no cost, and is available for both iOS and Android mobile platforms.

Radio Control Pilots Must Register with the FAA: 12/21/15
Those flying Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs), which includes model aircraft, are now statutorily required to register with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The registration for recreational-use pilots covers all of the model aircraft you operate for a period of three years. In addition, as part of the statutory requirement, pilots must also ensure that their FAA issued UAS registration number is displayed on an outer surface of any aircraft or drone they own and operate. Registration is inexpensive, quick, and easy.