Club Guestbook

Thank you for visiting our website! Please feel to view or sign our club guestbook. Be aware that in order to prevent spam, all entries will be reviewed by our webmaster prior to making them available for public view.

JCRC-Flyers AMA 443. Great job on the Website...

Added: February 6, 2024
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Love the opportunity to say thank you to the Dare County RC Flyers for making my flying experience a fun and rewarding time. Had a blast flying and seeing all you friendly folks and I really appreciated the hands on advice. Was a great time!
Thanks again! James

Added: February 1, 2024
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Guestbook opened this date. Please feel free to record your comments about your visit to our website, our flying field, or activities in which you interacted with us. You may also leave us a message and we will promptly reply.

Added: January 25, 2024
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Last Update: June 22, 2024 at 05:44:26 PM