Flying Field Information and Map

Our flying field provides our members with a safe environment to conduct radio control flight operations. The field consists of grass-covered areas to taxi, perform maintenance, park vehicles, and safely observe flight operations, a 400-foot by 75-foot grass runway, and a parallel 150-foot by 30-foot geotextile runway, oriented North to South.

Flying field aerial photograph

Flying field photograph set

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Flying Field Location

The club's flying field is located adjacent to the skeet range area within the Outer Banks Gun Club at 1521 Link Road, 1½ miles south of the intersection of U.S. Highways 64 and 264 in Manns Harbor, North Carolina. A fully interactive satellite map displaying the location of our flying field is provided below, along with a link to obtain driving directions.

Flying Field Use

The use of our field is limited to current club members and their guests. Members of other AMA-chartered clubs may use the field when invited and accompanied by a current club member, along with proof of valid AMA membership. Those who are not members wishing to fly at the field must request an invitation by calling, texting, or e-mailing, using the club contact information provided at the link below.

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Reporting Flying Field Use

Our club maintains a record or all persons who use or visit our flying field as a means of documenting use of the facility to county officials. Club members need only to report their name, date of use, and the total number of persons in their party. Guests of members who operate a model aircraft should record their visit as a separate entry. Reporting use may be done by phone, text, or e-mail using the contact information provided at the link in the previous paragraph. A sample of the flying field logbook is available at the link below.

View Flying Field Logbook »

Hours of Operation

Flying field hours of operation, as a general rule, are the same as those of the Outer Banks Gun Club since the field is located within the gun club's gated entrance. Unless further limited by the gun club's activities, the flying field's hours of operations are:

  • Sunday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Monday - 9:00AM to Noon
  • Tuesday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Wednesday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Thursday - 9:00AM to Noon
  • Friday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Saturday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM

Hours of operation outside of these times may be possible with prior coordination.

FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA) Status

The club's flying field was approved as a FRIA by the Federal Aviation Administration on September 11, 2023. Our field's FRIA identifier is 2023-CBO-02043-FRIA and encompasses an area of 61 acres.

FRIA Banner

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Field Coordinates and Elevation

The coordinates of our flying field in decimal degrees is 35.837345 N, 75.815189 W.

The coordinates of our flying field in degrees, minutes, and seconds is 35° 50' 14.44'' N, 75° 48' 54.68'' W.

The elevation of our flying field is 3.3 feet above mean sea level.

This information is provided at the flying field on signage attached to the club's storage shed.

Field Structures and Amenities

Structures at the field consist of a storage shed for the club's equipment with an attached shade canopy, a windsock, two fenced flight stations, two fixed work-tables, and a movable work-table.

Limited seating at the field is available and consists of two six-foot benches located under the shade canopy, and six folding lawn chairs that are stored in the shed when not in use.

Electricity is provided by a portable generator to deliver current to a power distribution hub consisting of six 120-volt AC electrical outlets. These outlets may be used by members to provide electricity to operate model aircraft battery chargers and tools needed to maintain the field and its facilities.

The club also has a charcoal grill available for use at club-sponsored events where food is being served.

Although there are no restroom facilities at the flying field, very nice indoor restroom facilities are available within walking distance on the grounds of the Outer Banks Gun Club. Members and guests may uses these restroom facilities, however we recommend that you drive to them in your vehicle in the interest of safety when flight operations are in progress, because to do so, you must cross the end of the runway.

Field Access and Parking

Once in the parking lot of the gun club, follow the road just past the pavilion on your left, then veer to the left onto the gravel and dirt road. Continue on this road past the skeet range that will be on your left and drive through the gap in the tree-line. Once through the tree-line, you have arrived at our flying field. When entering the field, be watchful for low-flying aircraft and yield to any that are observed. Proceed along the perimeter of the field to the western side to park. See the accompanying photograph that illustrates the field access and designated parking area.

Flying field access map

Documents Required

All pilots using our flying field must have in their possession, a valid Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership card, a valid Federal Aviation Administration small UAS certificate of registration, and a valid Federal Aviation Administration Recreational UAS safety test (TRUST) completion card. These documents must be presented for examination if requested by a club officer.

Safe Operation of Aircraft

The safe operation of aircraft at our flying field is our paramount concern. All pilots must comply with the AMA's National Model Aircraft Safety Code, our club's flying field operational and safety rules, and all existing Federal Aviation Administration regulations. Both the National Model Aircraft Safety Code and our club's flying field operational and safety rules are available on this website, and are posted on signage at the field on the club's storage shed.

Safety Equipment

The club provides a commercial grade ABC-type fire extinguisher, and a first aid kit consisting of bandages, gauze, disinfectant, and other associated supplies. Both of these are stored in the club storage shed, adjacent to the spectator area. When flying, members should always ensure the club storage shed doors are unlocked and open to permit unhindered access to this equipment, should it be needed.

Safety Signage

Signage is provided at the field entrance to warn those entering to stop and then watch for aircraft as they cross the north end of the runway to access the parking area. In addition, signage is provided to warn guests that they are prohibited from moving past the work tables to the flight line unless they are accompanied by a pilot. Lastly, signage is provided at the flight station fencing to remind pilots to exercise caution before entering the runway area to attend to or recover an aircraft.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Phone numbers to contact the gun club office and emergency response services are provided on signage located on the club's storage shed. This sign also provides the physical address of the property and the field's GPS coordinates to provide to the emergency service operator.

Aircraft Marking

All aircraft being operated at our flying field must me marked with the owner's Federal Aviation Administration UAS operator registration number on an outer surface of the aircraft.

Aircraft Permitted

Dare County Radio Control Flyers is primarily a radio control aircraft club, however our flying site is suitable for both control-line and free-flight aircraft operations. However, only aircraft with a weight under 55 pounds and a speed under 100 miles per hour are permitted as our field is not considered satisfactory for impulse jet, gas turbines, or extremely large scale aircraft.

Radio Frequency Control

Our club prefers and encourages its members to use of radio systems operating on the 2.4GHz band. Those not using 2.4GHz broad spectrum systems must inform the safety officer of the frequency they intend to use. They must then check with all other fliers at the field, prior to powering-on any transmitters or receivers, to ensure that not more than one pilot is operating on the same frequency at the same time.

Noise Abatement

All internal combustion engines with a displacement of 0.10 cubic inches or greater must be equipped with an effective muffler.


The use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, and pyrotechnic devices are strictly prohibited.

Field Maintenance

Maintenance of our flying field is performed by our club members and consists of weekly mowing of the area from April through October. All members are highly encouraged to share in this task by volunteering to perform mowing at least twice each year. Please consult our current mowing schedule to see which weeks are available, then contact one of our club officers to have your name added to our schedule.

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Performing Mowing

Mowing the field requires only the use of the club's riding lawnmower that is located in our storage shed. Mowing the entire site takes approximately two hours and, when possible, should be performed on a Thursday or Friday to ensure that the field is in optimal condition for flying on the weekend. Those who have never operated a riding lawnmower or mowed our field will be assisted in learning by a club member. Please contact a club officer should you require this assistance. Instructions regarding the operation of our mower are provided at the link below.

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