Meeting Information and Map

Our regularly scheduled membership meetings permit all members to participate in the running of the club by offering a forum to exchange, discuss, and implement ideas. We value member participation in this decision making process, as our members come from a variety of age groups, backgrounds, professions, and life experiences, bound together with a mutual passion for radio control aviation.

Dates and Times

Dare County Radio Control Flyers holds regularly scheduled meetings of its members to conduct club business the third Thursday of each month from March through December. There are no meetings scheduled for the months of January and February. These meetings last approximately two hours and are scheduled from 7:00 to 9:00PM. From time-to-time, our meetings may be rescheduled or canceled for reasons related to weather conditions, local emergency declarations, or the inaccessibility of our meeting location. Those planning to attend should always consult the club's calendar to obtain the most up-to-date information regarding the meeting status, location, and time.

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Member Attendance Policy

All current members of Dare County Radio Control Flyers are highly encouraged to attend our membership meetings. These meetings serve to facilitate a positive exchange of ideas that can make our club more effective in promoting radio control aviation, as well as making the hobby more enjoyable to all.

Guest Attendance Policy

Anyone with a sincere interest in learning more about our club or radio control aviation, is always welcome to attend our meetings to meet our members, observe, ask questions, or to offer their thoughts.

Primary Meeting Location

Our club's membership meetings are normally held at the Kill Devil Hills branch of the Dare County Public Library, located at 400 Mustain Street. Since the library closes at 5:00PM, those attending our meeting should walk around the left side of the building to the rear, then up the wooden ramp that provides access to the meeting room. A fully interactive satellite map displaying our primary meeting location is provided below, along with a link to obtain driving directions.

Alternate Meeting Location

In the event our primary meeting location is unavailable, the club leadership team will notify the membership in advance of a change to the meeting's location. Currently, our alternate meeting location is the Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce, located at 101 Town Hall Drive in Kill Devil Hills. A fully interactive satellite map displaying this alternate meeting location is provided below, along with a link to obtain driving directions.