Become a Club Member

We thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Dare County Radio Control Flyers. This section will provide you with information on how to apply for membership, and how to obtain answers to any questions you may have.

Membership Requirements

Any person, regardless of experience in radio control aviation, is eligible and welcome to apply for membership in Dare County Radio Control Flyers.

We require that all membership applicants who intend to operate model aircraft become members of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) prior to applying for membership in our club, and that once a club member, that they remain current in their annual dues to the AMA. This is required because our club's charter is granted by the AMA, and the AMA also provides liability insurance coverage that all of our members must maintain to operate aircraft at our flying field.

Applicants may also become associate club members without the added cost of becoming AMA member, however the role of these members within the club will be limited to activities that do not include the operation of model aircraft.

Each member must also pay annual membership dues to our club, and remain current in those dues to use our flying field and to be considered a member in good standing.

Lastly, and most importantly, you must agree at all times to comply with our club's bylaws, flying field operational and safety rules, the AMA's National Model Aircraft Safety Code, and all laws regarding the operation and use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

Applying for Membership

Applying for club membership is a multi-step process that requires only a few minutes to complete. To assist you in this process, begin by reading the instructions for completing the membership application instructions. These instructions will guide you through the entire process, and are provided at the link below.

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After you have reviewed the membership application instructions, you may obtain the club membership application at the link below.

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Application Processing

Upon receiving your application and payment of club membership dues, our club treasurer will process your application, add you to our club membership register, and notify the other club officers of your acceptance as a member. You will then be added to our e-mail distribution list, notified by e-mail of your acceptance, and provided with a copy of our club's bylaws and our flying field operational and safety rules.

Membership Inquiries

Should you have any questions about becoming a member of Dare County Radio Control Flyers, we recommend that you consult our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. Should you require additional information, the answer to the last question on that page will provide you with the information necessary to contact us.

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