Field Improvements Photograph Album

We hope you enjoy viewing this photograph album of our flying field improvement efforts. By selecting a photograph, you will be able to view a slide show presentation for the particular group you selected.

2024 Field Improvement Projects

We began work at the field in early April by demolishing and removing our old storage shed followed by the construction and installation of three new work tables during May, and relocating our flight stations. Additional projects in the future will include installing a new chain and signage at the field access, constructing new flight station fencing, replacing our worn windsock, and installing a geotextile runway.

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2023 Field Improvement Projects

Work to improve our flying field began in late-January with the repair of our field access barrier. Improvement projects will continue throughout the year and will hopefully include a battery charging station, construction of three new work tables, a shaded hangar area for planes, and better seating accommodations for guests.

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2022 Storage Shed Construction

Thanks to a 2021 Flying Site Improvement Grant provided by the Academy of Model Aeronautics, Dare County Radio Control Flyers was able to construct a new shed at our flying field to store our mower and other support and safety equipment in 2022.

This new shed was a much-needed replacement for a smaller one that was over 20-years old and in a decrepit state located on the opposite side of the runway. The location was specifically selected to take advantage of the site's terrain which is susceptible to flooding during hurricanes and heavy periods of rain.

Design work of the shed was provided by our club president, Jim Davis, who is an experienced builder. The majority of the construction was performed by Jim Davis and Stephen Yanacek, with Jim Shiels, Grant Dick, Philip Garey, Grant Peacock, Charlie Doss, and Peter Fynn assisting as their schedules permitted.

Following the completion of the shed, our safety fencing, work tables, and parking are will be relocated about 25-feet west of their current location.

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