Flight Instruction for Members

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This page provides an overview of flight instruction we provide to those who have joined our club, but have little to no previous experience in flying a radio control aircraft.

If you are not a club member, but would like to learn to fly and experience the thrill of flying a radio control model aircraft, you may do so by applying for our club's Introductory Pilot Program (IPP). Please visit the link below for further information.

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Membership in our club and the Academy of Model Aeronautics is required. Those members desiring flight instruction are not required to purchase a radio control aircraft or any associated equipment to use in the training process. However, should the participant desire to use any aircraft or equipment they already own, it must be judged suitable as a training platform and for flight by the club's flight instructors before it can be used.

Scheduling Your First Flight

Simply contact one of our designated instructors and set up a mutually agreeable date and time to meet at our flying field to begin your training. To contact one of our instructors to schedule your first flight, refer to our membership register that provides the necessary contact information as well as the members who are qualified to provide you with flight training.

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Your First Day of Training

On the day of your first flight, you will meet your instructor at our flying field to commence training. Your training begins with information about safety, the plane, its power system, and how the plane is controlled and maneuvered. Should you be using our club's aircraft be aware that we utilize a training aircraft that is flight-stabilized with a 3-axis electronic gyroscope and other electronic features that are designed to assist students. The aircraft is linked to the instructor's radio transmitter, which in turn is connected in tandem with the radio control transmitter you will be using as the student. This control system is commonly known as a "buddy-box," and will permit the instructor, at the push of a button on their transmitter, to transfer the aircraft's control to you, or take back control of the aircraft when needed. The use of the buddy-box will set your mind at ease about crashing the airplane, because should you become disoriented or make a serious mistake, your instructor will simply take control of the aircraft and make the necessary corrections before giving control back to you.

Your first flight will most likely begin with your instructor getting the airplane into the air, then handing control over to you so that you can fly it for approximately five minutes. Your instructor will that land the aircraft, permit you to ask any questions you may have, and provide you with comments and recommendations about your first flight.

Training photograph set

You will continue the training process by performing multiple flights the same day with your instructor, and each time you fly your instructor will afford you more control based on how well you have demonstrated your ability to control the aircraft on previous flights. We understand that learning to fly varies from person to person, so we will challenge you when appropriate, but will not place you in a situation that you are not ready to handle.

Continuing Training

Dates and times to continue your training are subject to your availability and the availability of our instructors. Your training will continue, utilizing the same equipment and process that you experienced on your first day with our instructors providing guidance based on the basic student pilot manual provided at the link below. This training will continue until you have performed a solo flight and demonstrated the ability to fly safely and consistently without assistance. Once you have done so, you are ready for the testing and certification.

Get Basic Student Pilot Manual »

Testing and Certification

Your final step to be certified as a qualified radio control pilot will be a check-out flight supervised by your instructor. This flight will be performed without any assistance of the instructor and will test what you have learned. At this point, you will be well-prepared to do so and should have no difficulty. You will be required to demonstrate proficiency by successfully taking off, landing, and completing any task or maneuver your instructor asks you to perform. Following successful completion, you will be certified as a radio control pilot and may fly without any aids or instructor supervision.