Privacy Policy

This website maintains strict compliance with privacy-related issues and under no circumstances provides e-mail address, IP address, or other personal information to third-parties, except when compelled under local, state, or federal statutes. Although this website collects no personal information from its visitors, it is entirely protected utilizing encryption through the Secured Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) protocol. Questions relating to this privacy policy may be communicated to the club's webmaster at: .

Children's Online Privacy Protection

This website is not directed towards children, and complies with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998, by not knowingly accepting or collecting information on any child under the age of thirteen (13) years.

User Tracking

This website uses a tracker provided by StatCounter. The purpose of this tracker is to assist us in determining a number of things about your visit, thereby helping us improve our website. The tracker functions by placing a "cookie" onto your computer upon opening a page, and then tracks your visit throughout our website. The information collected includes type of browser, type of operating system, screen resolution, JavaScript (enabled/disabled), Internet Service Provider (ISP), and ISP location. Names, street addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses or other personal information is not collected. All information collected is then statistically tabulated for analysis. Detailed information concerning your visit (including IP address) is then overwritten, usually within 48 hours. This information is password protected and can only be viewed by the officers of Dare County Radio Control Flyers. Should you desire to not have your visit tracked, you may disable "cookies" by increasing the privacy level on your browser.

Subscribing/Unsubscribing to Club News

You may subscribe to Dare County Radio Control Flyers' e-mail distribution list to be notified about upcoming activities and other club news and announcements in one of two ways: By submitting your e-mail address to us when visiting us at our flying field or at club meetings, or; By submitting your e-mail address through the "Subscribe to Our News" form located on the lower right hand side of each of our website's pages. Once you have done so, you will continue to receive club news until such time that you choose to unsubscribe. To unsubscribe to our club news, simply send an e-mail to requesting to be removed and providing your e-mail address to which the club news is being sent. Your choice to do so will be promptly respected.

Unsolicited Commercial and Bulk E-Mail

Dare County Radio Control Flyers strictly prohibits the use of unsolicited commercial and bulk e-mail advertisements and/or solicitations. Persons using or attempting to use this website for any purpose related to the generation or distribution of unsolicited commercial and/or bulk e-mail advertisements will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Dare County Radio Control Flyers reserves the right to make changes to our privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated by posting amended privacy policy on this site. Once posted, the new privacy policy will become effective immediately.

Last Update: February 01, 2025 at 03:40 PM