Club Events Photograph Album (5)

We hope you enjoy viewing this page of our photograph album as much as we had making these memories. The album includes photographs taken over the past years and are separated by event. By selecting an event's photograph, you will be able to view a slide show presentation for the event.

Pilot's Breakfast: 05/25/24

Jim Davis, Stephen Yanacek, Peter Fynn, Rose Carros, Pete Carros, Mike Kirkpatrick, Charlie Doss, and Robert Yanacek met for breakfast today at the Jolly Roger Restaurant.

Today's discussions throughout our meal centered around upgrading our flying field in the future with the addition of a geotextile runway surface.


Pilot's Breakfast: 05/18/24

With an intermittent rain forecast throughout the day stifling flying, eight of our members met at the Jolly Roger Restaurant for breakfast and discussion of our model aviation activities. As usual, we had a great time sharing our thoughts and ideas with each other.

Attending today were: John Silve; Jim Watters; Skip Wescott; Jim Shiels; Stephen Yanacek; Pete Carros; Rose Carros, and Robert Yanacek.


Fun Fly: 05/04/24

Twelve club members were joined at the filed today by two guests to enjoy the beautiful weather and a fun day of flying.

A number of members used today to fly their FliteTest Spitfires to practice for the upcoming pylon race next month. By all indications, this event promises to be both exciting and fun.

Many sorties were flown today, including John Watkins with his Carbon Cub S2, Harold Blakney with is AeroScout S2, Stephen Yanacek with his Maule M-7, Richard Boyd with his 2-meter T-28 and twin-engine Beechcraft D-18, Jim Davis with his low-wing black monoplane, Gavin Fregans with his Apprentice S2, and Pete Carros with his scratch-built 3-D aircraft.

Following the day's activities, we all headed home with our planes intact, some good memories, and anticipation of flying together again very soon.

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Leisurely Day of Flying: 04/30/24

Taking advantage of the nice weather, Pete Carros and Richard Boyd went to the field to do some flying today. They were joined by Richard's stepson, Trey, who flew for the first time today under Pete's supervision using a 'buddy box' setup.

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Fun Fly: 04/27/24

Pete Carros, Skip Wescott, Robert Yanacek, Peter Fynn, and Jim Davis met for breakfast today at the Jolly Roger Restaurant to welcome our newest member, Rose Carros before heading to the field for a day of flying activities.

At the field we were joined by Jim Shiels and everyone had a good day of fellowship and flying a variety of aircraft, despite some strong and challenging wind gusts. One of the primary activities for today involved four of our members flying the FliteTest Spitfires they constructed in preparation for a pylon race the club will be holding on June 8, 2024.

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Pilot's Breakfast: 04/20/24

Nine club members met today for breakfast at the Jolly Roger Restaurant as a followup to our meeting last Thursday evening.

Attending today were: Robert Yanacek; John Silva; Mike Alexander; Skip Wescott; Jim Shiels; Charlie Doss; Peter Fynn; Pete Carros, and; Stephen Yanacek.


Guest Flyer Visits Our Club: 04/17/24

Club members Jim Davis, Mike Alexander, Skip Wescott, and Peter Fynn met Outer Banks visitor Chris Burkhalter at the field today to do some flying. Chris flew his Ultra Stick and had a good time visiting and flying with our club.

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Field Cleanup Day: 04/06/24

Robert Yanacek, Skip Wescott, Mike Alexander, Bernie Feaganes, John Silva, Pete Carros, Jim Davis, Peter Fynn, and Jim Shiels met today for breakfast at the Jolly Roger Restaurant for conversation about upcoming projects and events for 2024.

Following breakfast, our group headed to the flying field to perform annual cleanup activities, where we were joined by Richard Boyd and Mike Kirkpatrick.

Today's effort involved demolishing our old storage shed and transporting the debris to the dump. Before beginning this process, we first had to evict an opossum who had made a comfortable home inside the structure and was reluctant to leave. Once the opossum was safely relocated, work commenced and remarkably, the remainder of our effort was completed in about an hour thanks to the teamwork our members displayed in getting the job done. Next week we will continue this process by mowing the grass for the first time this year, followed by installing our newly constructed work tables at some point in the near future.

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Pilot's Breakfast: 03/09/24

Poor weather continues to dampen our ability to fly, so we continue to meet for breakfast on our traditional day for flying to catch up with news and to share our recent modeling activities.

Those attending our Pilot's Breakfast at the Jolly Roger Restaurant today were: Pete Carros; Charlie Doss; Peter Fynn; Skip Wescott; Robert Yanacek; Jim Davis; Mike Alexander; John Silva, and; Grant Dick.


Pilot's Breakfast: 03/02/24

Heavy rain prevented flying today, so Robert Yanacek, Skip Wescott, Charlie Doss, Jim Davis, John Silva, Pete Carros, Peter Fynn, and Jim Shiels met instead to discuss radio control aviation over breakfast at the Jolly Roger Restaurant at our popular "Pilot's Breakfast."

Everyone had a good time, and Charlie Doss took orders for his next production run of club ball caps. Those members who did not attend today's gathering will be receiving an e-mail shortly providing information and ordering instructions for these hats.


Dare County Radio Control Flyers logo
Dare County Radio Control Flyers
Post Office Box 133
Manteo, NC 27954-0133

Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce logo

252 656 2FLY

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Last Update: October 15, 2024 at 09:11:38 PM

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