Member Projects Photograph Album (2)

We hope you enjoy viewing this page of this photograph album of our model building efforts. By selecting a photograph, you will be able to view a slide show presentation for the particular group you selected.

2020-2021 Wintertime Flying Hiatus

Even though our flying activities have ceased for the wintertime, that has not stopped our members from pursuing their passion for radio control flight. Many members are constructing new aircraft, or rebuilding old ones in anticipation of springtime and the opening of our 2021 flying season. Below are some photographs of the projects that Jim Shiels, Jim Davis, Robert Yanacek, Steve Smith, Grant Dick, Ron Patten, Peter Fynn, Rick Gadzalinski, Kevin Gadzalinski, Allen Massey, Matt Huggins, and Stephen Yanacek have been working on.

p1 p21 3897 99 101 102 103 p12 p13 3901 205 206 207 209 208 109 98 97 p17 0160 0377 p15 p16 110 0687 0688 0690 0691 0692 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 200 201 202 203 204 p11 p10b 3850 3869 3870 p18 p19 p20 p22 p23 p24 p25 0689 210 t28 twinotter

Robert Yanacek's First Plane

Our newest member recently purchased and built his first radio controlled aircraft—an E-flite model of a Boeing/Stearman N2S. His build went quite easily as it was a foam "Bind and Fly" kit that did not require the installation of a receiver, servos, motor, or ESC. Regardless, Robert was amazed that despite his lack of experience, he was able to assemble and bind the airplane to his Spektrum DX6e transmitter by following the instructions in slightly more than an hour! With the build complete, he plans to detail his airplane by removing the incorrect pre-painted Army-style tail stripes, and adding scale details including a more accurate pilot, propeller, fuel lines, pitot tube, and rigging on the wings and empennage.


Wing Span: 44.2 in. (1130 mm)

Wing Area: 643 sq. in. (41.5 sq dm.)

Length: 33.5 in. (830 mm}

Flying Weight: 3.2 lbs. (1450 g)

Radio Required: 4-Channel

Powerplant: 850 kV Outrunner Motor

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Jim Davis' Sig Four-Star 40

Jim Davis just completed building a new model kit, a Sig Four-Star. It took him quite a while, but his plane is finally finished and ready for the air! Jim used the pilot me made shown in photographs he previously sent (see pilot article below). The motor is a new OS 46 AXII and has yet to be run.


Wing Span: 59.75 in. (1518 mm)

Wing Area: 604 sq. in. (39 sq dm.)

Length: 47 in. (1194 mm)

Flying Weight: 4.75 lbs. (2150 g)

Radio Required: 4-Channel

Powerplant: Two-stroke OS 46 AXII

853 854 855 856

Build Your Own Pilot Figure

Jim Davis sent us these photographs of his project to build a pilot for his new airplane. Check out his pictures. Jim began by constructing a frame with balsa wood, then used cotton and thread to add more shape. He then used plaster and Bondo to the outer surfaces to complete the desired shape and add details to the pilot before the final painting process. Now a Jim has a handsome pilot for his plane!

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Wintertime Jollies

Virgil Kee just received an FMS J-3 Cub with a 40½-inch wingspan because he needed something a little larger than the micros he usually flies.

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David Spradlin's Scratch Built Mysterion

After reading an article in the January 2015 edition of Model Aviation magazine, David Spradlin decided to build it.

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Dare County Radio Control Flyers logo
Dare County Radio Control Flyers
Post Office Box 133
Manteo, NC 27954-0133

Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce logo

252 656 2FLY

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Last Update: June 22, 2024 at 06:04:12 PM

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