Club Events Photograph Album (13)
We hope you enjoy viewing this page of our photograph album as much as we had making these memories. The album includes photographs taken over the past years and are separated by event. By selecting an event's photograph, you will be able to view a slide show presentation for the event.
Club Fly: 07/22/23
Nine of our club members took advantage of the slightly cooler temperature and low winds to meet at the field for a fun day of flying.
As usual, many sorties were flown by those who attended. Of special note was the maiden flight of Jim Davis' Habu STS jet aircraft and a number of glider launches performed by Jim Shiels and Peter Fynn using a hi-start launch system. Both of these activities went very well, as did the other flights flown by Stephen Yanacek, Harold Blakney, Virgil Kee, and Richard Boyd.
We departed with good memories and the hope that we can meet again soon for more flying.
Weather Stifles Flying: 07/15/23
Seven club members met for breakfast today at the Jolly Roger Restaurant then headed out to the field to see if we could do some flying before thunderstorms moved into the area.
Jim Davis and Stephen Yanacek were able to get in one flight each, however the day's flight operations abruptly ceased when lightening, rain, and waterspouts moved into the area.
Fourth of July Weekend Fly: 07/01/23
Despite heavy tourist traffic and hazy visibility due to Canadian wildfires, Peter Fynn, Robert Yanacek, Stephen Yanacek, Richard Boyd, Mike Alexander, and Virgil Kee met at the field to begin the Independence Day weekend with flying.
During a two hour period many flights were performed and all our pilots recovered their aircraft intact and without damage.
As temperatures climbed into the 80s, our members departed the field looking forward to Independence Day and getting together soon to fly once again.
Field Too Wet Today: 06/24/23
During the past few days we had frequent rainfall to the point that it was far too wet to use our flying field. Instead of flying, Skip Wescott, Robert Yanacek, Stephen Yanacek, Peter Fynn, and Jim Davis met for breakfast and discussion of current projects and upcoming events at the Jolly Roger Restaurant.
June Club Fly: 06/17/23
Eight of our pilots began today by meeting for breakfast at the Jolly Roger Restaurant. In addition to our pilots, Charlie Doss' wife Vicki joined us for breakfast and did her best to tolerate all the talk about airplanes before we headed to the field for a day of flying.
At the field, it was a beautiful day with temperatures in the mid-70s. Despite moderate winds, many flights were performed by the eight members who attended. Of particular note was Richard Boyd's maiden flight of his red and white Cirrus SR-22T, followed by additional sorties of the Cirrus and a number of other planes he brought with him.
As we departed the field, we once again left with good memories of the day and with anticipation to meet again to fly soon.