Club Events Photograph Album (2)

We hope you enjoy viewing this page of our photograph album as much as we had making these memories. The album includes photographs taken over the past years and are separated by event. By selecting an event's photograph, you will be able to view a slide show presentation for the event.

Pilot's Breakfast: 01/18/25

Eleven club members and two guests met today for breakfast at the Jolly Roger Restaurant for breakfast and conversation to reconnect following our holiday season.

Frank Ausband, Pete Carros, Peter Fynn, Skip Wescott, John Watkins, Jim Davis, Jim Shiels, Diane Yanacek, Rose Carros, Charlie Doss, and Robert Yanacek attended, in addition to our two guests—John and Wendy Stanton.

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First Flights of 2025: 01/03/25

Six club members took advantage of the good weather today to meet up at the field and welcome the new year with some flying.

Attending were Bernie Feaganes, Jim Davis, Peter Fynn, Grant Peacock, Pete Carros, and Richard Boyd.

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Club Fly: 12/28/24

Taking advantage of temperatures in the low 60s and a forecast for low winds, Jim Davis, John Watkins, Pete Carros, Richard Boyd, Peter Fynn, Skip Wescott, and Robert Yanacek met at the field today to get some flying time as the end of the year rapidly approaches.

Many sorties were flown today by those attending, even though the winds substantially increased in velocity late in the morning. Although this made flying more challenging, everyone had a great time nonetheless.

We departed the field with the hopes of meeting again soon for more flying, and are looking forward to the many activities our club is planning for 2025.

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Club Christmas Party: 12/19/24

Twenty club members and their guests opened their 2024 holiday season last evening at our club's annual Christmas party at the Beachside Bistro in Kill Devil Hills.

Those in attendance enjoyed the wonderful meals and hospitality provided by our hosts, as well as the model aviation décor, a year-in-review slide presentation, and of course sharing the evening with our members in celebration of their friendship and goodwill.

We wish to extend our thanks the staff of the Beachside Bistro, especially our waitress, Jesse, for making our celebration so enjoyable.

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Annual Planning Meeting: 12/07/24

Our club's leadership team met today at the location for our Christmas party, the Beachside Bistro, for breakfast and to familiarize themselves with the facilities and to do some planning for the upcoming year.

Our team was very impressed with the the food, the facilities, and the staff that will be hosting our party this year. With over 25 members and guests already planning to attend, this year promises to be a well-attended and enjoyable event for our members to celebrate the holiday season.

The upcoming year is also promising to be a fun-filled flying season with a greater emphasis on working more closely with our newer members to get them back into the air and improve their flying skills.

In addition, tentative dates have been set for the First Flight Invitational Model Air Pylon Races, the Outer Banks Festival of Model Aviation, a field trip for our members to the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, and a series of model building workshops.

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Pilot's Breakfast: 11/16/24

For the third weekend in a row, flying today was not possible due to very strong winds, so John Silva, Grant Dick, Peter Fynn, Diane Yanacek, Robert Yanacek, Skip Wescott, Charlie Doss, Rose Carros, and Pete Carros met for breakfast at the Jolly Roger Restaurant to discuss their recent projects and the upcoming club meeting on Thursday.


Pilot's Breakfast: 11/09/24

Since flying conditions were poor today because of high winds, eleven of our club members decided to meet up at the Jolly Roger for breakfast and conversations about their recent projects and activities.

Attending were: Quinn McCarron; Pete Carros; Skip Wescott; Rose Carros; Jim Davis; Stephen Yanacek; Jim Shiels; John Watkins; Peter Fynn; Sean McCarron, and: Robert Yanacek.


Club Meeting and Prize Presentation: 10/17/24

At our October monthly business meeting we set an attendance record with 23 members present. The highlight of the meeting was undoubtedly introducing eleven of our new members who were able to attend and presenting the prizes to our raffle winners from the Outer Banks Festival of Model Aviation.

Other business included final plans for the installation of our new geotextile runway, setting up a static display for the public at Kitty Hawk Kites' upcoming Brewtag event, and our invitational pylon race that will be held on November 2nd.

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Last Update: February 01, 2025 at 03:34 PM

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